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Forum Posts

Kathia Malfavon
May 26, 2021
In Workspace
The current transportation options of Lobitos and Piedritas do not meet the needs of its residents/tourists and hinder their daily lives, due to them being inefficient, unreliable, and expensive. The dirt roads connecting the two towns and the fact that there is not enough transportation to go around for residents and tourists make it almost impossible for people to travel between towns, not to mention the high amount it costs to pay for a general taxi. After careful consideration, our team determined that the most optimal solution is to implement a bike-sharing system in Lobitos and Piedritas. The reason this is the best design is because it helps combat the transportation issues of safety, high expense, and reliability. In order to make transportation by bicycle safer, considering the conditions of the dirt roads, our team recommends that mountain bicycles be set in place for commuters to use. By utilizing the thicker mountain bike tires as opposed to a regular road bike tire, the bicycle will not only be easier to maneuver, causing less high risk injuries on the road, but it will also increase the durability of the bicycles themselves. Also, by implementing a bike-sharing system, the number of people traveling via taxi and motor bus between the two towns will drastically decrease, creating more availability and space for others, such as the elderly and disabled population, to ride on them. Furthermore, the cost of using one of these bikes to travel is half of the cost of riding in a taxi or motor bus and greatly depends on how long a person borrows the bike. For these reasons, the best solution to the transportation problem in Lobitos and Piedritas, Peru is to implement a bike-sharing system for its inhabitants. The attached image is from a bike-sharing system, CityBike Lima, that is established in Lima, Peru. It can be used as an example for this design. #Transportation #Engineering4People #Peru #BikeShare
Team US2021-009, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Moving Forward Together content media

Kathia Malfavon

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